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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thieves hit the New England Coast !

Dateline New England - Yesterday
Thieves looted and pillaged up and down the coast of New England from NH to Maine. Edmond managed to observe them hauling goods back to the lair and captured the following photographs. While police don't seem to be investigating, husbands and mortgage foreclosure specialists are hot on the trail...

One of the guilty trying to hide the goods

Only a portion of her share of the goods....

The get-away vehicle was stuffed to the gills with bags and food-stuffs. Many things were brought in through the back door to avoid the police. (at least all 6 legs will now be properly shod)

Finding more goods to haul to the car...

Absolute glee

MMMmmm.... let's drink this quart of brown gravy...
(then we can go run the chainsaw for a couple of hours)

So while I am sure we are poorer than we know, I know that they are richer in memories, so I guess it makes it all worth while.
Thanks to the 3 felons for coming this way for Olivia's birthday.

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