Don't waste your time here....

Strongly suggested you go read somewhere else.....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 2 - Bike trip to the Southwest (- the west)

Breakfast at 8:45, on the road by 9:15...

more pictures here

met Mark, went to ruins, then to plaza Blanca - hiked up slot canyon
rode to Chama, went up pass into Colorado, then back to Chama.
Hustled 1 hour to Pagosia Springs CO and checked in then headed for meeting.
After, we ate at Sonic, Then back to the springs for a soak in 103 degree water.

only one bummer. Kevin got his hand pressed by a big rock. took some skin back and dinged a fingernail. We cleaned an wrapped it. Must have stung like crazy

but still having a blast

Hanging out in New Mex - Day 1

Olivia and I joined some others on a bike trip for charity. We donate $4.07 for every ten miles we travel. So far the advance team has gone 2200 miles, then this morning we hooked up and started riding.

A beautiful day and great scenery...

Olivia up on Sandia Peak and G-man killing a burger...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Very Sad Day

Olivia, the kids & I attended a young mans funeral today. We are saddened by the loss and our hearts and prayers go out to his family.

Just a simple stretch of road about a mile from his house, Hard to believe the damage to the car.

You will be missed....

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Very Good Day At Curt Shilling's House

We stopped by the Shillings place for a very long day of meetings. We arrived at 8:45 in the morning, and stayed in the same room, in constant meetings, until 2pm. We met with 13 different team members and learned about what they all do. Olivia tried out many new games and had fun with all her new friends. Here is a picture of her playing a blowing game to see how much CO2 she is producing.

Then she played Puff the Magic Dragon with her hyper friend. Glad I was along to video the game...

All the measurements that they took showed that she was the same as the last time she was there, so that was really really good news.

They did take some blood to test against some really long shots, and she will have another MRI in Nashua to rule out other long shot possibilities. However, even if she stays in this club, it seems that she will be a long term member and will be slow to play with some of her new friends.

We were very happy at the end with the results, and are still very optimistic. Thanks to everyone who mentioned us in their prayers and let us know they were thinking about us.

We were so happy with the report, that we did THIS.....

And then did THIS at Capitol Grill for lunch!
(and this is the best steak tartar)

Then we picked up this little Austin Martin that Olivia had had her eye on. All-in-all, a very good day and we are very thankful.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thieves hit the New England Coast !

Dateline New England - Yesterday
Thieves looted and pillaged up and down the coast of New England from NH to Maine. Edmond managed to observe them hauling goods back to the lair and captured the following photographs. While police don't seem to be investigating, husbands and mortgage foreclosure specialists are hot on the trail...

One of the guilty trying to hide the goods

Only a portion of her share of the goods....

The get-away vehicle was stuffed to the gills with bags and food-stuffs. Many things were brought in through the back door to avoid the police. (at least all 6 legs will now be properly shod)

Finding more goods to haul to the car...

Absolute glee

MMMmmm.... let's drink this quart of brown gravy...
(then we can go run the chainsaw for a couple of hours)

So while I am sure we are poorer than we know, I know that they are richer in memories, so I guess it makes it all worth while.
Thanks to the 3 felons for coming this way for Olivia's birthday.

Olivia gets some flowers!

Olivia got some flowers from Maximello

As you can see, he went all out.. (and forgot to remove the price tag)

However, some very nice friends made up for him and sent this stunning arrangement!
Linda & Norm, Mark & Lindy, Carmen & Scott were people we stood in breadlines with on ration-card day back in the old country. America has been good to them, and they in turn are good to us.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Continuing Adventurers of Helen and Dr. Bob

Day 7-
Doctor / Patient relations have become strained.....

so everyone took a much needed break...

and Doctor Bob did a little self-medicating......

And then they had a nice little nap together.....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hanging with Helen and her Hospital Peeps

Olivia's mom and I decided to vacation in Newburyport, MA. We both checked into this quaint little New England B&B. I only had reservations for 1 day, just laid about the first day, and then went jogging the second. After running eleven and one-half minutes, the inn keeper thought it was good if I checked out. Helen decided to extend her stay and is still there. She is under Dr. Bob's care and he is taking good care of her.

A little Doctor / Patient Love.....

Helen is still bruised as you can see.

Dr. Bob checks for brain activity.....

Monday, March 3, 2008

Wir hatten eine große Zeit - Trip to Germany

Olivia and I took a little trip and went and stayed with a lovely German couple.
(Die Frau war wirklich heiß)
We spent a nice relaxing weekend with them and their 3 children in a chalet in a very remote area. Had wonderful traditional food cooked outdoors in the local style and just hung out for 3 days. It was a nice break and we sure enjoyed their hospitality.

We did watch their oldest child play in a tournament, not sure exactly what the game was but you could certainly see the communist influence was still there, (it was a very
socialist affair with no score being kept and everyone being equal), but the cutest part was they had all the children wearing armbands. It was a sight to see all these little good Germans being lined up and handed armbands before marching around. The only part somewhat ominous was the fellow with the mustache who spoke at half time and tried to whip the crowd into a religious frenzy and asked them to commit to the cause. (we tried not to make eye contact and sat with our heads and hands lowered)

Arm-banded Star Player

The other fun thing we did was to watch them develop and fire off these un-maned rockets. They encourage the smallest of children to understand rocket flight, and from the test firing that we observed, the goal seems to be to get them to land on their neighbors. All in all it was a very exciting time and interesting to watch.

Young Rocket Scientist

We did take a side trip to look at one of their riverboats. Not sure how those crew members can take the cramped, smokey, noisy environment but they all seemed eager to join. It seems they only accept the most fit, talented, and beautiful people of the area to serve on the boats.

We also were surprised HOW many people over there smoke. Even the children seem to enjoy a puff in the morning....

Here are some pictures of the German family we stayed with... I just took a picture of the framed pictures they had in their house, as being so filled with nervous energy, it was had to get them to sit still for a photo. The grandfather looks really familiar...

The Nice Young Couple

The Youngest Version ( Who has a really nice salute)

Geholt dir durch die Internets, eine verbundene Reihe Schläuche

Friday, February 22, 2008

Sniff... home alone... didn't get invited on the neighbors trip.....

But here is a photo to cheer her.... Glad to hear your sister is recovering....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sorry to hear about Janannes Sister, Nell

Rat Bite Fever

  • Organism name, and synonyms: Streptobacillus moniliformis, a Gram-negative bacteria. Synonyms: Rat-bite fever, Haverhill fever.
  • Reservoir: Rats. Commensal in the mouth and pharynx.
  • Mode of Transmission: Animal bite, direct contact with secretions of the mouth, nose, eye of an infected animal.
  • Incubation Period: 3-10 days.
  • Clinical Disease: Initial bite wound usually heals. Sudden onset of fever, chills, vomiting, headache and joint pains, rash.
  • Epidemiology: Uncommon in North America.
  • Communicability: Not directly transmitted from person to person.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Interesting things we have heard.....

We really have appreciated all the fan mail... It has been heartwarming.
(and the common theme has been " we don't know what to say...", which is just fine, because we don't know what to say either.)

So much like the disease, where you can only prove what is not, I offer up these bits of tested phrases that may not be just the best thing to bring comfort and consolation.
" I am so sorry that you will have to suffer this horrible thing. So sorry you will have to go through that. It is a terrible way to die and I am so sorry for you"


"Well, it's not the end of the world..."


"We were so worried that Pauline would choke to death, and was so glad that didn't happen. I hope you don't die that way, I will pray that you die like she did"
and we would like to thank the academy for these comedic nominations, and please vote early and often...

always looking on the bright side of life,
ed & o

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Well this just sucks....

While continuing to hate all things Yankees, Olivia and I spent the day interviewing and auditioning for a celebrity-sponsored club. It seems that Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and his wife helped set this facility up and the place is very nice. We went to the headquarters in Burlington, MA and met with the director. We talked about what the club has to offer and looked around the place. After a pretty rigorous screening process, it seems that there is a 90% chance that Olivia will be able to join.

The price of admission is very steep, so maybe we could just take a pass.

Here is a link talking about the clubhouse:
RED SOX Pitcher Curt Schilling

Thanks to all of you who spent time filling out and submitting out the virtual anti-membership recommendation forms......