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Sunday, August 10, 2014

It's like having a nasty pet...

For some reason, some people keep nasty pets. Like angry pit bulls.
These pets are kept on a tight leash, and the owner has to be ever vigilant 
lest they slip the leash, turn on you, and tear you up.

Some times you think you could just reach out and lightly caress them, show them a little love and care, and they could be tamed. There could be peace.  What the owner knows, is after a couple of deceptive strokes, that monster is going to turn and rip you up. He has to keep the hand tight on the leash or the beast tightly locked up behind closed doors. And he knows that with the slightest crack in the door, that monster wants OUT. 

And wants out bad. 

I have thoughts and memories like that. Everyday I need to make sure they are locked up or held in check on a very tight leash. One moment everything is fine, the next chaos. The slightest lapse in attention or being lax, a place, a day dream, or a smell, and that sucker will slip the leash and run rampart. It wants out.

And it's a vicious little bastard. Goes right for the heart.

I think it enters through the mouth, cause I always feel a lump in my throat.

And that makes my eyes water.